Jon Olsson zet zaag in €250.000,- Mercedes G800 4×4²

Jon Olsson zet zaag in €250.000,- Mercedes G800 4×4²

Geloof het of niet maar dit was volgens Jon Olsson altijd al het originele idee met de Mercedes G500 4×4².

Halverwege november 2017 werd hij onthuld met een dikke video; de Mercedes G800 4×4². Maar eigenlijk was hij nog niet helemaal af en zodoende kwam Jon onlangs terug naar Nederland om eigenhandig verder te sleutelen aan zijn laatste project. Eén van de redenen waarom het dak van zijn G-klasse af moet is het feit dat de auto anders niet past in de parkeergarages van Monaco. Een andere reden is dat er al genoeg dikke G-klasses rondrijden dus dit exemplaar moest écht uniek worden.

Jon vertelt:
Then me, Hans and Benni came up with the idea of cutting the roof of it, at first we just laughed about the idea but then Hans said, go for gold, always do what you want to do, don’t be normal, be 100% you!

So we decided then and there to do it, but I was a bit unpatient and wanted to drive the car for a but so I said, let’s build it up with off road set up first and then we cut it for the summer. Then once we were in the Netherlands and recived the car I had looked at my travel schedule and figured out that since I would be traveling a lot over chistmas and new year this would be a perfect time to do it (and since I am really impatient I just had to get it done). It would also get the car ready for the Snow Tour which was a great motivation to speed up the process. I mean if you roll next to a Bat Mobile you have to have kind of a crazy car to not seem normal (I hate normal, haha). Of course we are going to freeze our asses off but its no different than an afternoon on a snowmobile, you just have to dress well! haha

In terms of rain protection we are working on a few soultions but I don’t really care, a fun car is rarely practical and atleast in this one I still have 4 seats and a sound system, so way more pratical than the Rebellion and the Praga, I even have seat heating!

So the car will be completed and shown on the 18th of Jan, we still have a few surprises in our back pocket, but I am soooooo excited about this build as its probably one of the craziest things I have done to cut the roof of a G wagon. But I can’t let ideas I get so I had to do it. I think it will be the perfect Monaco beach cruiser! I just need to get a serious sound system in there!

Always do what you can’t!

Stay tuned for more updates!


18 Januari
Dus, we moeten nog even geduld hebben tot 18 januari wanneer Jon de final version van de Mercedes G800 4×4² zal tonen. Zoals gezegd heeft hij nog een extra verrassing in petto…

Jon Olsson Mercedes G500 4×4²

Jon Olsson Mercedes G500 4×4²

Jorrik Aben

29-jarige petrolhead en mede-oprichter van Hart voor Auto's, dat in 2021 inmiddels zijn 11e levensjaar is ingegaan.